Seit über 30 Jahren befassen wir uns intensiv mit der Prozessplanung und -optimierung in der Holzindustrie.
Innovative Prüf- und Auswerteapparate runden unser Portfolio seit nunmehr 10 Jahren sehr erfolgreich ab.
What we do..
Our experience, expertise, and innovation focuses on 4 fields.
Checking of product and production processes according to defined quality criteria and test procedures. This is not limited to the pure product quality, but also beyond, such as the manufacturing efficiency.
Quality, processes and efficiency have always potential for improvement. Continuously we are in search of the best possible solution for our customers.
Tests on product for determination of physical properties. We develop and deliver required testing and evaluation apparatus.
You want to improve the product quality, the efficiency of production or need a quality management system or quality handbook? We’d like to support and advise you in this.
Everything you need for a quality-driven manufacturing in the wood industry
In almost all questions in terms of quality control we have answers ready and are available with our expertise, experience and technology to your side and greatly appreciate your contact.
Portfolio at a glance
- In-house Factory Production Control (FPC) Timber industry, main focus on Glued timber industry
- Laboratory equipment / Testing sets / material control
- Quality management / Process control
- Process monitoring and optimizing
- easyQ – Your Partner for process control in timber-industries